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Our current rate1 BTC = £46,012.50
Rate does not include fees. Check the Revolut app for live price details. Crypto is not regulated or protected and is volatile - value can go down.
NamePrice1h %24h %7d %5y %Market cap24h volume
BTCBitcoinBTC£0.000021.29 %0.98 %3.58 %464.35 %£899.90B£24.29B
ETHEthereumETH£1,769.511.48 %1.44 %1.67 %921.04 %£211.49B£10.80B
USDTTetherUSDT£0.7530.56 %0.93 %1.79 %2.85 %£89.75B£36.49B
BNBBNBBNB£417.281.03 %0.82 %1.11 %120.54 %£60.01B£491.39M
SOLSolanaSOL£99.301.67 %1.83 %2.74 %3768.45 %£46.26B£1.20B
USDCUS Dollar CoinUSDC£0.7530.57 %0.93 %1.80 %6.18 %£26.71B£4.87B
XRPXRPXRP£0.4361.18 %2.72 %5.94 %86.46 %£24.49B£848.22M
DOGEDogecoinDOGE£0.0771.29 %0.08 %1.06 %3537.10 %£11.20B£384.86M
TONTONTON£4.1970.32 %0.45 %2.22 %915.17 %£10.52B£227.80M
TRXTronTRX£0.1130.37 %1.41 %4.10 %718.94 %£9.76B£232.75M
ADACardanoADA£0.2551.48 %0.61 %4.02 %521.28 %£9.02B£208.41M
AVAXAvalancheAVAX£17.811.66 %2.77 %1.61 %389.97 %£7.18B£186.38M
SHIBShiba InuSHIB£0.000011.76 %0.04 %0.59 %19.25 %£5.97B£152.09M
LINKChainlinkLINK£8.0552.01 %1.64 %0.19 %464.12 %£4.84B£224.36M
BCHBitcoin CashBCH£237.470.97 %1.27 %9.21 %5.66 %£4.68B£128.66M
DOTPolkadotDOT£3.0871.59 %3.25 %3.65 %2.38 %£4.32B£139.91M
UNIUniswapUNI£5.0321.78 %4.65 %6.16 %21.73 %£3.74B£127.14M
LTCLitecoinLTC£48.190.06 %0.32 %1.17 %19.06 %£3.62B£229.46M
NEARNEAR ProtocolNEAR£3.1572.97 %0.67 %2.27 %367.93 %£3.44B£202.67M
ICPInternet ComputerICP£6.0453.01 %1.54 %11.35 %96.02 %£2.79B£81.46M
FETFetch.aiFET£1.0775.90 %2.98 %4.01 %2250.92 %£2.62B£244.26M
SUISUISUI£0.9527.13 %8.44 %36.51 %84.68 %£2.45B£454.32M
PEPEPEPEPEPE£0.0000062.77 %0.85 %0.32 %361.15 %£2.33B£771.32M
APTAPTAPT£4.5102.60 %0.00 %3.99 %51.47 %£2.23B£86.59M
XLMStellarXLM£0.0710.38 %2.16 %0.29 %23.11 %£2.10B£35.49M
RNDRRender TokenRNDR£3.6442.45 %0.13 %6.33 %28.83 %£2.04B£84.27M
ETCEthereum ClassicETC£13.570.94 %1.42 %4.66 %175.87 %£2.01B£79.99M
STXSTXSTX£1.1682.80 %0.62 %4.24 %10504.30 %£1.72B£35.25M
IMXImmutable XIMX£1.0411.73 %4.46 %7.31 %75.22 %£1.65B£56.55M
CROCronosCRO£0.0610.85 %1.83 %0.01 %76.63 %£1.62B£2.93M
AAVEAaveAAVE£103.610.37 %5.08 %9.41 %233.30 %£1.54B£211.97M
FILFilecoinFIL£2.6452.53 %0.26 %4.35 %89.46 %£1.53B£96.88M
ARBARBARB£0.3911.49 %1.59 %1.60 %55.70 %£1.41B£130.00M
INJINJINJ£14.644.24 %1.52 %2.37 %2007.48 %£1.40B£76.90M
HBARHBARHBAR£0.0381.89 %1.41 %3.24 %29.92 %£1.38B£21.29M
VETVETVET£0.0171.59 %0.63 %1.04 %511.35 %£1.31B£15.68M
OPOPOP£1.1072.25 %0.11 %7.58 %4.76 %£1.30B£91.61M
FTMFTMFTM£0.4717.28 %8.85 %24.95 %73.49 %£1.26B£294.31M
ATOMCosmosATOM£3.2010.57 %0.80 %0.12 %28.86 %£1.24B£117.45B
WIFWIFWIF£1.1613.56 %0.62 %3.11 %351.11 %£1.15B£227.60M
GRTThe GraphGRT£0.1073.73 %1.20 %1.48 %80.75 %£1.01B£25.61M
MKRMakerMKR£1,110.711.14 %4.22 %8.84 %233.20 %£976.53M£55.01M
FLOKIFLOKIFLOKI£0.000092.36 %1.07 %0.30 %48.35 %£900.72M£152.63M
HNTHNTHNT£5.2805.91 %0.72 %15.68 %331.22 %£868.62M£13.74M
MATICMaticMATIC£0.2901.45 %0.51 %0.27 %2590.15 %£868.22M£8.72M
BONKBONKBONK£0.000012.50 %1.64 %2.92 %30.89 %£860.12M£61.16M
TIATIATIA£4.1344.94 %2.51 %29.78 %119.01 %£817.85M£1.38B
QNTQuantQNT£55.284.11 %3.16 %0.71 %7.36 %£792.24M£11.56M
PYTHPYTHPYTH£0.2192.43 %1.46 %4.36 %37.86 %£781.67M£25.33M
ALGOAlgorandALGO£0.0942.26 %1.91 %3.61 %63.41 %£769.74M£38.95M
JUPJUPJUP£0.5572.03 %1.64 %0.34 %40.64 %£740.58M£59.21M
SEISEISEI£0.2113.83 %2.03 %3.42 %75.59 %£727.17M£75.07M
JASMYJasmyCoinJASMY£0.0152.56 %1.41 %4.18 %66.74 %£719.57M£53.44M
LDOLDOLDO£0.7533.70 %1.01 %4.49 %6.99 %£668.18M£85.92M
ONDOONDOONDO£0.4572.50 %0.99 %4.61 %51.69 %£653.90M£211.70M
FLOWFlowFLOW£0.4062.54 %0.72 %2.99 %95.26 %£612.68M£10.82M
EOSEOSEOS£0.3651.94 %0.23 %3.85 %88.34 %£549.78M£49.30M
GALAGalaGALA£0.0144.42 %3.44 %1.69 %82.30 %£541.57M£82.99M
EGLDElrondEGLD£19.862.21 %0.31 %1.71 %95.43 %£536.66M£15.73M
FLRFLRFLR£0.0110.01 %3.72 %3.30 %64.31 %£520.64M£3.61M
AXSAxie InfinityAXS£3.5022.25 %1.61 %0.15 %2025.21 %£519.50M£16.47M
WLDWLDWLD£1.1473.40 %1.25 %6.96 %83.08 %£505.77M£128.19M
STRKSTRKSTRK£0.2882.00 %0.44 %3.50 %81.45 %£505.23M£60.39M
MSOLMSOLMSOL£120.721.65 %1.80 %2.64 %11.46 %£494.60M£11.72M
XTZTezosXTZ£0.4821.90 %1.31 %1.60 %43.80 %£477.59M£10.81M
AKTAKTAKT£1.8652.07 %0.03 %2.46 %53.94 %£449.09M£10.78B
SANDThe SandboxSAND£0.1902.43 %1.83 %3.34 %303.84 %£438.46M£32.45M
ENSEthereum Name ServiceENS£12.732.22 %1.04 %4.15 %69.01 %£418.73M£58.65M
WWW£0.1533.79 %0.53 %0.46 %71.07 %£388.50M£21.77M
APEApeCoinAPE£0.5731.74 %1.90 %2.74 %92.13 %£386.27M£75.01M
MANADecentralandMANA£0.2082.38 %1.14 %1.15 %649.18 %£384.06M£25.18M
MINAMinaMINA£0.3242.77 %0.43 %0.48 %85.77 %£369.78M£8.14M
CHZChilizCHZ£0.0402.54 %0.93 %1.57 %679.66 %£356.34M£19.15M
ZROZROZRO£3.1074.86 %1.34 %10.07 %37.31 %£341.53M£86.34M
SNXSynthetixSNX£1.0482.61 %2.64 %1.86 %52.40 %£339.46M£18.02M
AEROAERO£0.5634.67 %2.36 %29.57 %732.59 %£332.05M£21.01M
ENAENAENA£0.1764.07 %2.54 %6.10 %80.01 %£327.01M£58.98M
AIOZAIOZ£0.2912.18 %0.40 %3.74 %74.89 %£319.68M£1.67M
LPTLivepeerLPT£9.3543.55 %2.23 %4.28 %43.49 %£319.01M£31.39M
WAXLWAXLWAXL£0.3991.12 %3.12 %1.02 %52.37 %£307.92M£15.71M
ROSEROSEROSE£0.0474.79 %0.93 %9.88 %81.47 %£301.15M£16.04M
MEWMEW£0.0034.38 %1.98 %0.48 %29.38 %£290.37M£35.80M
COMPCompoundCOMP£32.331.83 %1.70 %0.14 %83.50 %£282.37M£38.87M
SUPERSuperFarmSUPER£0.6424.18 %2.02 %3.46 %74.16 %£280.98M£28.81M
PRIMEPRIME£6.1593.96 %5.33 %8.35 %112.01 %£273.32M£3.20M
BLURBLURBLUR£0.1454.25 %8.03 %7.61 %42.70 %£268.17M£54.63M
KAVAKavaKAVA£0.2452.46 %6.36 %3.42 %61.60 %£262.81M£25.62M
CRVCurve DAO TokenCRV£0.2033.77 %1.25 %5.51 %91.17 %£243.04M£116.18M
IOTXIoTeXIOTX£0.0262.06 %2.07 %2.02 %613.65 %£241.24M£7.06M
OSMOOSMOOSMO£0.3643.20 %0.25 %18.42 %71.28 %£238.42M£439.13B
KSMKusamaKSM£15.351.64 %0.18 %0.84 %46.61 %£235.43M£12.63M
1INCH1INCH1INCH£0.1852.71 %0.18 %3.18 %94.31 %£232.44M£33.58M
GMTSTEPNGMT£0.0942.14 %2.00 %18.11 %69.05 %£228.84M£20.35M
AMPAmpAMP£0.0031.87 %1.58 %2.75 %85.24 %£223.30M£5.69M
DASHDashDASH£18.291.48 %0.60 %1.15 %76.42 %£215.73M£19.45M
GLMGolem NetworkGLM£0.2092.48 %0.75 %0.28 %0.19 %£206.32M£9.73M
GALGALGAL£1.6691.45 %0.30 %5.01 %81.22 %£204.93M£50.38K
BATBasic Attention TokenBAT£0.1301.57 %2.13 %0.96 %23.09 %£193.34M£7.88M
ILVILVILV£28.793.27 %0.39 %0.77 %40.80 %£192.46M£19.47M
JTOJTOJTO£1.5633.05 %0.12 %6.05 %43.75 %£192.22M£29.84M
ZETAZETA£0.4823.26 %20.18 %33.86 %56.53 %£191.33M£203.45M
ANKRAnkrANKR£0.0202.76 %0.54 %3.87 %703.17 %£191.03M£7.67M
CELOCeloCELO£0.3432.57 %1.30 %1.22 %89.28 %£186.22M£16.36M
ZRX0xZRX£0.2172.38 %0.85 %0.42 %15.82 %£181.88M£9.55M
MASKMask NetworkMASK£1.6441.94 %1.82 %3.58 %66.76 %£163.97M£52.50M
TTT£0.0162.43 %2.53 %0.44 %19.69 %£158.81M£13.74M
TRACTRACTRAC£0.3760.55 %6.55 %4.49 %70.69 %£153.11M£1.66M
OCEANOCEANOCEAN£0.4594.79 %1.74 %2.60 %10.63 %£152.48M£1.29M
RPLRPLRPL£7.3771.67 %0.49 %7.59 %81.38 %£150.25M£6.24M
DYDXDYDXDYDX£0.6462.37 %4.27 %6.51 %93.92 %£144.37M£25.00M
BICOBiconomyBICO£0.1621.91 %2.05 %0.04 %96.78 %£140.18M£7.63M
METISMETISMETIS£24.152.47 %2.94 %4.70 %48.33 %£139.80M£6.75M
API3API3API3£1.1894.06 %1.92 %10.09 %63.49 %£135.35M£10.61M
COTICOTICOTI£0.0792.29 %0.80 %4.32 %425.86 %£134.37M£11.66M
UMAUniversal Market AccessUMA£1.6133.53 %3.96 %4.86 %87.89 %£131.13M£20.66M
ABTABT£1.3032.86 %4.04 %1.35 %965.32 %£128.47M£1.00M
SKLSKALE NetworkSKL£0.0253.06 %0.44 %1.66 %95.78 %£126.66M£16.52M
BANDBANDBAND£0.8522.41 %0.08 %3.15 %54.09 %£122.38M£4.95M
CVXCVXCVX£1.5071.02 %2.75 %7.47 %94.80 %£121.58M£7.48M
YFIyearn.financeYFI£3,611.840.35 %3.41 %3.77 %26.54 %£120.90M£13.63M
TRBTributesTRB£46.812.59 %1.88 %1.36 %15.60 %£120.34M£26.66M
YGGYGGYGG£0.3166.80 %3.04 %8.27 %64699.55 %£117.90M£68.87M
AUDIOAudiusAUDIO£0.0942.20 %1.08 %2.75 %96.19 %£117.32M£4.34M
HONEYHONEY£0.0471.96 %1.46 %5.14 %72.12 %£116.44M£293.96K
PONKEPONKE£0.2206.38 %7.28 %12.48 %608.56 %£114.43M£7.08M
VTHOVTHOVTHO£0.0012.90 %0.39 %2.16 %45.66 %£113.53M£913.35K
LRCLoopringLRC£0.0892.25 %0.73 %5.01 %283.68 %£109.17M£10.28M
MPLMPLMPL£13.722.50 %1.69 %8.76 %9.96 %£106.15M£867.90K
ZENZENZEN£5.9171.37 %1.58 %1.58 %91.10 %£90.68M£4.44M
SUSHISushiSwapSUSHI£0.4712.93 %0.27 %2.51 %90.98 %£89.76M£25.34M
TRUTRUTRU£0.0753.31 %2.42 %9.66 %84.20 %£85.69M£19.97M
BALBalancerBAL£1.3711.74 %0.70 %4.32 %90.93 %£81.28M£4.62M
MOBILEMOBILE£0.00083.50 %0.41 %5.98 %354.43 %£78.75M£1.35M
CTSICartesiCTSI£0.0962.98 %0.03 %2.21 %154.16 %£78.68M£4.30M
RLCiExec RLCRLC£1.1203.44 %0.65 %1.76 %693.72 %£78.65M£3.60M
NMRNumeraiNMR£10.843.65 %1.58 %1.30 %67.63 %£78.27M£3.96M
C98C98C98£0.0954.09 %5.62 %10.53 %70.54 %£77.08M£17.32M
POWRPOWRPOWR£0.1442.55 %2.19 %2.96 %5.91 %£75.24M£6.78M
PONDPONDPOND£0.0091.26 %0.70 %2.53 %24.77 %£74.97M£3.25M
SYNSYNSYN£0.3433.20 %1.71 %2.90 %62.40 %£73.70M£6.17M
AUCTIONAUCTIONAUCTION£11.453.06 %6.11 %10.68 %52.68 %£73.14M£28.31M
PUNDIXPUNDIXPUNDIX£0.2841.12 %1.15 %3.31 %37.85 %£72.50M£4.40M
LCXLCXLCX£0.0921.51 %0.82 %0.74 %46.97 %£70.51M£7.45M
DARDARDAR£0.1152.80 %1.74 %3.70 %51.45 %£70.51M£10.77M
MAGICMAGICMAGIC£0.2692.54 %1.58 %2.96 %38.64 %£70.37M£21.20M
ACHAlchemy PayACH£0.0143.32 %1.69 %1.67 %80.79 %£69.87M£18.73M
ORCAORCAORCA£1.3301.28 %2.76 %5.66 %38.56 %£69.34M£897.02K
RARERARERARE£0.0951.86 %2.97 %13.97 %6.66 %£67.23M£12.07M
ALICEALICEALICE£0.7403.46 %0.50 %2.65 %85.28 %£67.09M£7.85M
CVCCivicCVC£0.0811.99 %3.23 %5.59 %122.87 %£64.57M£8.48M
LQTYLQTYLQTY£0.6483.41 %0.10 %6.76 %84.99 %£61.41M£17.33M
BOBABOBABOBA£0.1560.41 %1.42 %1.35 %92.11 %£59.53M£979.01K
SPELLSpell TokenSPELL£0.00042.40 %0.45 %2.43 %97.01 %£58.97M£4.50M
REQRequestREQ£0.0762.52 %0.68 %2.50 %295.67 %£57.59M£1.27M
KNCKyber NetworkKNC£0.3312.58 %0.46 %0.57 %128.49 %£56.01M£22.01M
DESODESODESO£5.1910.12 %4.27 %6.54 %96.03 %£54.16M£547.44K
AGLDAGLDAGLD£0.6822.56 %0.86 %15.02 %106.95 %£51.96M£6.85M
QIQIQI£0.0102.76 %1.67 %3.22 %46.70 %£50.06M£2.43M
HFTHFTHFT£0.1112.73 %0.24 %0.14 %78.83 %£48.56M£2.66M
CELRCELRCELR£0.0083.25 %0.08 %3.48 %36.84 %£47.16M£3.28M
XYOXYOXYO£0.0033.29 %1.31 %0.66 %884.31 %£46.98M£570.93K
PYRPYRPYR£1.9502.72 %0.39 %1.92 %25.13 %£45.77M£3.33M
PROPRO£0.7770.56 %3.25 %7.15 %706.53 %£44.32M£2.08M
OGNOrigin ProtocolOGN£0.0672.42 %0.11 %4.99 %47.37 %£44.15M£6.36M
BNTBancorBNT£0.3572.44 %1.17 %0.57 %36.11 %£43.55M£213.32K
GODSGods UnchainedGODS£0.1372.73 %1.90 %7.63 %97.11 %£42.63M£1.45M
BADGERBADGERBADGER£2.1451.89 %1.05 %2.55 %87.58 %£42.27M£6.11M
FORTFORTFORT£0.0910.37 %1.26 %3.14 %67.58 %£41.61M£245.65K
ACSACSACS£0.0010.03 %1.19 %0.05 %89.03 %£40.62M£816.39K
BLZBluzelleBLZ£0.0932.74 %0.90 %0.14 %10.08 %£39.44M£4.69M
STORJStorjSTORJ£0.2773.29 %4.14 %0.72 %240.74 %£39.29M£10.76M
RADRadicleRAD£0.7951.21 %1.00 %1.23 %91.09 %£39.21M£5.65M
NKNNew Kind of NetworkNKN£0.0512.87 %0.97 %4.77 %104.26 %£39.13M£2.31M
FISFISFIS£0.2342.68 %0.70 %2.95 %5.89 %£33.70M£1.97M
PERPPerpetual ProtocolPERP£0.4542.64 %0.61 %4.42 %92.25 %£32.57M£5.55M
ORNORNORN£0.9613.18 %2.19 %8.03 %84.77 %£32.42M£2.65M
OXTOrchidOXT£0.0542.61 %1.77 %0.37 %87.01 %£31.38M£4.11M
AERGOAERGOAERGO£0.0711.88 %3.92 %4.96 %54.68 %£31.12M£3.51M
GHSTGHSTGHST£0.6062.26 %0.81 %8.43 %17.65 %£30.37M£1.91M
CLVClover FinanceCLV£0.0303.14 %1.93 %6.49 %96.91 %£29.54M£3.96M
XCNXCNXCN£0.00101.00 %2.44 %1.80 %95.17 %£29.49M£1.47M
ARPAARPAARPA£0.0303.01 %3.04 %5.73 %42.32 %£29.30M£4.46M
GTCGTCGTC£0.4641.39 %0.73 %6.34 %93.65 %£27.79M£2.95M
FIDABonfida TokenFIDA£0.1762.74 %0.78 %1.51 %96.68 %£27.76M£7.01M
DIADIADIA£0.2552.86 %0.74 %6.61 %64.56 %£27.35M£2.95M
LITLITLIT£0.4742.80 %0.13 %0.66 %25.57 %£26.82M£2.25M
IDEXIDEXIDEX£0.0312.41 %0.60 %3.19 %92.58 %£26.44M£8.02M
FORTHAmpleforth Governance TokenFORTH£2.2341.02 %1.05 %0.59 %90.87 %£25.23M£586.67K
POLSPOLSPOLS£0.2581.70 %7.54 %8.55 %22.63 %£25.05M£1.92M
NCTNCT£0.0127.96 %3.70 %17.61 %911.21 %£23.47M£2.97M
ALCXALCXALCX£10.143.26 %0.44 %4.07 %96.42 %£23.03M£1.13M
VOXELVOXELVOXEL£0.1214.11 %2.36 %0.71 %51.99 %£22.95M£8.42M
SEAMSEAM£0.9110.20 %2.03 %2.41 %86.63 %£22.44M£333.16K
MATHMATH£0.1250.44 %1.26 %1.48 %3.54 %£21.79M£196.94K
FARMFARMFARM£31.532.44 %1.39 %4.02 %80.67 %£20.71M£517.30K
PRQPRQPRQ£0.0741.87 %7.07 %11.56 %29.48 %£18.63M£687.56K
HOPRHOPR£0.0390.91 %1.06 %0.43 %93.02 %£17.71M£174.74K
MDTMDTMDT£0.0302.80 %3.53 %8.15 %60.49 %£17.54M£995.09K
LOKALOKALOKA£0.1472.96 %3.64 %15.05 %78.14 %£16.50M£3.44M
MLNEnzymeMLN£11.032.46 %0.35 %5.44 %50.66 %£15.79M£2.13M
RARIRARIRARI£1.2580.74 %6.05 %2.83 %91.47 %£14.62M£338.80K
AVTAVT£1.5400.33 %2.61 %3.00 %1742.13 %£14.22M£79.43K
TVKTVKTVK£0.0791.38 %2.66 %8.41 %177.20 %£13.65M£103.76K
ASTASTAST£0.0603.16 %2.05 %6.41 %9.56 %£12.03M£519.36K
GSTGreen Satoshi TokenGST£0.0101.00 %0.30 %0.89 %99.79 %£10.71M£296.56K
SPASPASPA£0.0050.05 %4.73 %4.65 %77.79 %£8.30M£866.24K
PLAPLAPLA£0.1130.57 %0.93 %1.80 %87.39 %£0.00£0.00
HIGHHIGHHIGH£1.0063.76 %0.28 %1.28 %64.58 %£0.00£6.36M
ASMASM£0.0140.87 %4.12 %1.80 %54.23 %£0.00£776.49K
BTRSTBTRST£0.3040.12 %1.32 %1.09 %97.48 %£0.00£66.49K
MIRMirror ProtocolMIR£0.0230.57 %0.93 %1.80 %99.66 %

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210+ tokens at your fingertips

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Fees from 0%, really

Buy crypto with fees starting from 0% (depending on your plan).

Buy, sell, or send instantly

Get your tokens moving. Use your crypto balance to cover a bill, send money to a friend, or easily withdraw your funds to your main account in-app.

Set it, and forget it

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Take advantage of dollar cost averaging with recurring buys to keep your investment consistent, and hands-free.
Breaking down the blockchain

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Brand new to crypto or want to brush up on your knowledge? Explore our Learn lessons to cut through the jargon, and make crypto easier to understand.Get started

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Advanced app security

45+ million people trust us to look after £18.1 billion of their money — we've got experience at this. Relax knowing you can make crypto transactions seamlessly, with security you can bank on.Join Revolut
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
The majority of funds are held in cold storage
The majority of funds are held in cold storage
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out

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