International payments

Transfer without borders

Join 50+ million people who save on high fees when they transfer money abroad with Revolut.

$997Amount you'll convert
0.80980Exchange rate
Send money
Should arrive by today

Fees may apply when transferring international payments from one country to another.

Revolut makes it easy

Send money in 3 simple steps

  1. 1

    Start your transfer

    Choose how much you want to send, and where you want your money to go. Fees may apply when transferring international payments from one country to another.

  2. 2

    Get great rates

    Revolut always offers great exchange rates without hidden fees.

  3. 3

    Send your money

    Fill in the details of your beneficiary and that's all you need to do. We'll take care of the rest.

Low fee international transfers every month

Send money in 25+ foreign currencies. Choose your plan, and explore the freedom of sending money globally. Plus, you’ll see all exchange rates and charges before you hit send.

Learn more

Effortless global transfers

Send and request money with friends and family easily, no matter where they are in the world. All in a few taps.

Check it out

Send money fast

Track the status of your transfers in real time, directly in app. Enjoy expansive coverage to send money abroad quickly.

Get started

Join Revolut and save on international transfers

  1. 1

    Download Revolut

    Get the app on your Android or iPhone mobile device and sign up.

  2. 2

    Add money to your account

    Add money into your Revolut account by topping up via your card or bank account.

  3. 3

    Transfer money

    Choose your currency and destination country. Add your beneficiary details and click Send when you’re ready.

Trusted globally

Check out all the routes we cover

Need a little more help?

Remittances FAQs

  • For most currencies, there are no limits to the transfer amount. Certain currencies might have limits set by our payments partners. You'll always see the limit in the Revolut app before making the transfer.Learn more
  • Yes. Banking services are provided by Metropolitan Commercial Bank, Member FDIC.Learn more
    1. Download the Revolut app on your Android or iPhone mobile device and sign up.
    2. Add money into your Revolut account by topping up via your card or bank account.
    3. Choose your destination country and currency.
    4. Enter your recipient's details. You'll usually need the recipient’s full name and their bank account number and bank code. Some payment methods and destination countries may require additional information.
    Learn more
  • Different payment methods affect your transfer delivery time. Payments to other Revolut customers and card payments arrive in minutes. Transfers to cards typically take a few minutes but can take up to 30 minutes. International transfers can take up to 3 to 5 business days to reach the recipient's account. Check out the pricing widget for more details for your transfer.Learn more
  • You can use the currency conversion calculator at the top of the page to see which transfer destinations we support. Or, check out all of the countries that you can send money to with Revolut in our help centre.

What are you waiting for?

Send internationally at excellent exchange rates today