Scheduled Payments
Manage subscriptions smarter
One place for all your recurring payments

Organise subscriptions in one place
Add your scheduled payments to Revolut to track your spending and see where you could save
Try it out
Block unwanted subscriptions easily
Tap to stop an outdated payment in-app, and it’s just as easy to unblock if you make a mistake
Get started
Never get charged for a trial again
We’ll detect when free trials are ending and alert you ahead of time so you can decide if you want to cancel
Check it out
Get reminders for upcoming payments
Say goodbye to surprise charges with notifications if there's not enough money to cover scheduled payments
Get startedDon’t just take our word for it
Get smart with your scheduled payments

Having an account in Revolut was the best choice I made. Now I pay my bills at a time convenient for me, without any fees

So far, Revolut has saved me three times to get defrauded with dodgy payments, meaning, I fully trust them when it comes to my finances.
Subscribe to a better financial life
Start with Subscriptions and then organise all things money
Organise your bills with Pockets
Learn more about Pockets
Never overspend again with smart budgeting tools
Learn more about Budgeting & Analytics
Split and settle bills together, stress-free
Learn more about Group Bills
Get your salary a day early. You earned it
Learn about Early SalaryWhat are you waiting for?