Premium $9.99/month

Your passport to premium perks

Discover flexible benefits that fit your life at home, and take you all over the globe. Paid plan T&Cs apply.

What’s your shade?

Pick your exclusive Premium card, and personalise it to make it even more you. Everyday spending just got a little more chic.
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?

Earn up to 4.25% APY¹

(compared to 3.25% APY¹) paid monthly on your savings, and withdraw at any time. With spare change round ups and recurring transfers, you can grow your money without breaking a sweat!¹The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is a variable rate and may change at any time. These APYs are accurate as of September 18, 2023. Monthly fees apply for Premium and Metal plans. Terms and Conditions apply. Standard customers can earn up to 3.25%, while Premium and Metal customers can earn up to 4.25%. No minimum amount required.Get Premium

More room to do your thing

Get better discounts on international transfers, currency exchange, and no-fee ATM withdrawals, wherever you are in the world. Plan limits apply.

Get 20% off fees on every international transfer, no limits

Upgrade to Metal to get 40% off

Exchange up to $10,000 per month in 25+ currencies with no additional exchange fees

From Monday to Friday at 5pm ET. Fair usage fees apply after $10,000 limit is reached.

Withdraw at more than 55,000 ATMs

Get up to $800/month in withdrawals at out-of-network ATMs.

You thought that was it?

Nope, there’s even more Premium perks to make every penny worth it. Get all this for $9.99/month.

  • Personalised Premium card

    Get an exclusive Premium card and personalise it to make it uniquely yours

  • Priority support

    Get in touch with our support team 24/7 via in-app chat

  • International transfers

    Save 20% on international transfer fees

  • ATM withdrawals

    No withdrawal fees at more than 55,000 ATMs in our network. Get up to $800/month in withdrawals at out-of-network ATMs with no hidden fees²

    ²Fair usage fees apply for over $800 in withdrawals per month. Third party fees may apply

  • Revolut <18 accounts

    Link up Up to 5 <18s accounts, for family members aged 6-17

And if that’s not enough...

Compare all the plans with ease, and choose the one that works for you.

You are our priority

On Premium, you can fast track the queue. No matter what you need, our 24/7 in-app support team is on hand to help.

Safety first

Advanced fraud protection, rigorous security features, and 24/7 in-app customer support — your safety is our priority.Read more
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises