
Where your money really grows

Build your cash rapidly with daily-paid interest at great rates. Access anytime, from Grow, Scale and Enterprise plans. Savings T&Cs apply.

Get interest paid to your business account every single day

That’s weekends, too. Save and get interest paid daily directly to your Business account — and make sure your company’s spare cash is always working. Even when you’re not.

¹AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year. Interest is variable. Savings T&Cs apply.

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Access when you need it, 24/7

Add or withdraw money whenever you need to, instantly. And set controls for who else gets access, too.

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Track every movement

Connect Savings to your accounting software and see your withdrawals, deposits, and interest payments in one place. Your transactions automatically sync, so your cash flow’s always accurate.

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Planning to save? there’s a plan for you

Rates are displayed as the Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) which illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year. Interest is variable. Savings T&Cs apply.

  1. Grow

    Up to 2.25%
    £500,000 savings balance limit

  2. Scale

    Up to 2.75%
    £1,000,000 savings balance limit

  3. Enterprise

    Up to 3.51%
    £2,000,000 savings balance limit

Build your financial buffer

Get your money growing for whatever’s on the horizon — from tax payments and unexpected expenses, to making acquisitions, or re-investing in your business.Start saving

Keep costs down and productivity high

Our all-in-one Business account has the tools you need to spend — and work — smarter.

Link and sync your business dataLink and sync your business dataBusiness API >
Automate expense managementAutomate expense managementExpenses >
Link and sync your business dataLink and sync your business dataBusiness API >
Speed up your online and in-person salesSpeed up your online and in-person salesAccept payments >
Speed up your online and in-person salesSpeed up your online and in-person salesAccept payments >

Smart saving starts here

Summary box

    • Enterprise — 3.45% Gross¹, 3.51% AER²
    • Scale — 2.72% Gross¹, 2.75% AER²
    • Grow — 2.23% Gross¹, 2.25% AER²

    Interest is calculated and paid daily to the Deposit Account. You’ll earn interest on any amount you withdraw from your Account until the calendar day prior to your withdrawal instruction.

    This is based on a 365-day year. In a leap year, the Deposit Account Provider will add an extra day of interest on 29 February and include it in the next interest payment they make to your Account following that date.

    Interest will begin accruing no later than the first business day following the day when your money arrives with the Deposit Account Provider. This can take up to 24 hours from the point of your instruction. This means that if you send money to Savings on Monday, but the Deposit Account Provider doesn’t receive the money until Tuesday, you’ll start accruing interest no later than Wednesday. It also means that if you send the money on a day the Deposit Account Provider is closed, it may not receive your money until the next day on which it is open.

    Interest is calculated daily on the cleared balance in the account, using the interest rate applicable on that day, and is paid daily.

    ¹Gross is the rate of interest payable before any income tax is deducted.

    ²AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded on an annual basis.

    Read more.
  • Yes, the interest rate can change at any time. If the rate decreases, then we’ll let you know at least 30 days before the change is made.

    If the rate increases, we’ll let you know within 30 days of the change being made.

    A change to your rate could be instigated by the Deposit Taker, or as a result of a change in the proportion of any interest income being received by Flagstone and Revolut.

    If the interest rate decreases, we'll inform you of the time frame within which we need to receive your instruction if you do not wish to continue with Savings at the new rate. If you don't provide us with such an instruction, we will consider that you have agreed to the change.

  • Enterprise — at the current interest rate: £1,000.00 would earn £35.10 interest after 12 months, for a final balance of £1,035.10. This is just an example and not based on your individual circumstances. It assumes that you don’t add or take out any money during the year.

    Scale — at the current interest rate: £1,000.00 would earn £27.50 interest after 12 months, for a final balance of £1,027.50. This is just an example and not based on your individual circumstances. It assumes that you don’t add or take out any money during the year.

    Grow — at the current interest rate: £1,000.00 would earn £22.50 interest after 12 months, for a final balance of £1,022.50. This is just an example and not based on your individual circumstances. It assumes that you don’t add or take out any money during the year.

  • Online through your Revolut Business app. Only those with the Business Owner role, or Savings View/Manage permission assigned to their role, will be able to apply for and manage your Savings account.

    If we receive your instruction to open a new Deposit Account before 12 noon on a business day, we'll action your instruction that day.

    If we receive your instruction to place additional funds into an existing Deposit Account before 12 noon on a business day, we'll action your instruction that day.

    There is deposit protection in place for £85,000 only. Any deposits over that amount are not protected. The maximum deposit value is dependent on plan (Enterprise is £2m, Scale is £1m, and Grow is £500,000).

  • If you provide an instruction to withdraw funds from a Deposit Account before 12 noon on a business day, we will action your instruction that day.

    On rare occasions, Deposit Account Providers fail to return payments to Flagstone on the correct day. In such an event, Flagstone escalates the issue rapidly with its relationship managers at the Deposit Account Provider and uses its best endeavours to ensure that the maximum delay is 24 hours.

    You can make withdrawals to your Revolut Business account at any time. As long as we receive your withdrawal instruction before 12 noon on a business day, we will execute your instruction that day.

  • The Deposit Account Provider will hold your money as a deposit. Just like other deposits, the money in your Revolut Business Savings account may be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (or FSCS as it is sometimes called).

    This means that if the Deposit Account Provider provides FSCS coverage and if you meet the eligibility criteria yourself, then if the provider was to fail, you are guaranteed by the Scheme to receive back any eligible deposits you have made (through Savings or otherwise) up to £85,000.

    Flagstone, as the trustee, would be responsible for administering your claim in conjunction with the rules of the scheme. The total value of deposits that the FSCS scheme covers and the timescales for payout may change from time to time.

    An FSCS information sheet is available at any time in the Revolut Business app, and you can read more about FSCS protection on the FSCS’s website at

  • Your deposit may become automatically repayable, less incurred costs or losses to the Deposit Account Provider, in certain circumstances including: material breach of the Terms, where the Deposit Account Provider is required to do so by law or regulation, if you become insolvent, or if any of Flagstone, Revolut, or the Deposit Account Provider reasonably considers there may be illegal or fraudulent activity.

  • None of Revolut, Flagstone, or the Deposit Account Provider will deduct tax from the interest you receive. Depending on your circumstances, you might have to pay tax on the interest you earn. You are responsible for paying any tax due to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). For more information, go to