Cultivate your crypto knowledge with the Oasis network course

Crypto · 9 February 2024Diogo Costa

A new Learn course just bloomed. Grab the opportunity to learn all about the Oasis Network — a leading crypto privacy ecosystem.

Bringing efficiency and confidentiality together

Learn how Oasis is thriving by optimising Web3 efficiency, while simultaneously ensuring that the data remains completely confidential.

Championing Smart Privacy

One-size-fits-all privacy or transparency just won’t cut it for the vast Web3 community. Find out how Oasis is tackling the transparency issue by allowing builders to create adaptable, tailor-made privacy solutions.

Go back to basics

Keep building your crypto knowledge with our basics lesson and Polkadot course! We’ve created short lessons that cut through the jargon and make crypto easier to understand, even if you’re a total newbie.

Ready to start learning?

  • Check you’ve got the latest version of the app
  • Tap Crypto in the bottom menu → Discover → scroll to Learn
  • Choose your course — start with Oasis, iExec, Axelar, NEAR, Algorand, Avalanche, 1inch, the Crypto Basics, or our Polkadot course
  • Take a quiz with your new knowledge

Rewards are not available to UK customers.

DeFi Tokens
DeFi tokens, such as AAVE, are associated with decentralised financial applications, but they come with specific risks.
- Smart contract risk: vulnerabilities in smart contracts may be exploited and lead to significant losses.
- Scam risk: bad actors may launch tokens with no real intention of developing the project, resulting in the exploitation of investors and complete loss of funds.
- Data risk: reliance by some protocols on external data sources, which may be vulnerable to attack, could result in disruption and devaluation.
- Protocol complexity: understanding the intricate nature of DeFi protocols can be challenging. Take time to educate yourself.

These token-specific risks are additional to the general risks of cryptoassets. Learn more about the risks.
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