Convert 10,000 EUR to EGP

Join 50+ million Revolut customers today and convert Euros to Egyptian Pounds at great exchange rates

Our current rate€1 = $1.0363
Additional fees€45.19
Get startedExchange rates are dynamic. Always remember to check the applicable rate in-app before carrying out your exchange

Revolut makes it easy

Convert money in 3 easy steps

  1. 1

    Start your exchange

    Choose how much you want to convert.

  2. 2

    Select your currencies

    Click in the calculator widget to select EUR and EGP as the currencies you want to exchange.

  3. 3

    Get great rates

    Revolut always offers great exchange rates without hidden fees.

Exchange EUR to EGP with Revolut

Whether you want to convert money into different currencies, transfer money between countries, or spend like a local when you travel - Revolut has you covered. Get this and so much more, all in a few taps

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How much does it cost to exchange EUR to EGP?

When converting EUR to EGP, we won't charge you FX fees for transferring money within your foreign exchange allowance. Check our pricing widget for more details

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Euros to Egyptian Pounds conversion rates

1 EUR51.95 EGP
5 EUR259.76 EGP
10 EUR519.53 EGP
25 EUR1,298.83 EGP
50 EUR2,597.66 EGP
100 EUR5,195.38 EGP
500 EUR25,976.68 EGP
1,000 EUR51,989.83 EGP
5,000 EUR259,946.66 EGP
10,000 EUR519,917.51 EGP
50,000 EUR2,600,122.38 EGP
1 EGP0.01 EUR
5 EGP0.09 EUR
10 EGP0.19 EUR
25 EGP0.47 EUR
50 EGP0.95 EUR
100 EGP1.90 EUR
500 EGP9.52 EUR
1,000 EGP19.04 EUR
5,000 EGP95.22 EUR
10,000 EGP190.44 EUR
50,000 EGP952.88 EUR

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Looking to send Euros to Egyptian Pounds?

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    Download Revolut

    Get the app on your Android or iPhone mobile device and sign up for free

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    Add money to your account

    Add money into your Revolut account by topping up via your card or bank account

  3. 3

    Transfer money

    Choose Euros and your destination country. Add your beneficiary details and click Send when you’re ready

How do I transfer money from EUR to EGP?

Just add money to your Revolut account, and choose how much you want to send and where to. We'll take care of the rest. With no hidden fees and great exchange rates, Revolut makes it cheap and easy to send EUR to EGP

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How long does it take to transfer EUR to EGP online?

Transfers to other Revolut users and card transfers usually arrive within minutes For bank transfers your beneficiary should receive money within 1 to 5 working days, depending on destination country We’ll keep you updated on the status of your transfer

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What are you waiting for?

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