Premium ¥980/month

Your passport to premium perks

Discover flexible benefits that fit your life at home, and take you all over the globe. Paid plan T&Cs apply.

What’s your shade?

Pick your exclusive Premium card, and customise it to make it even more you. Everyday spending just got a little more chic.
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?

Ready for take-off?

Unlock lounge access at low prices. Premium customers can wait in style with discounted rates at 1,000+ airport lounges globally.Get Premium

Perfect partners, for whatever you’re into

We’ve got partners, worth ¥49,500 in annual retail value, that can take your life to the next level — super secure browsing with NordVPN, snooze tips on Sleep Cycle, and find your own match with Tinder... all included with Premium. Partnerships are subject to regional availability. Check which partners are local to you in-app.

More room to do your thing

Send money to 150+ countries, with no fees from us

Intermediary fees may apply.

Exchange unlimited amounts of money in 35+ currencies with no additional exchange fees, Monday to Friday

Exchange fees of 1% apply on transactions made outside of currency exchange market hours, between Friday 5pm to Sunday 6pm (New York time).

Withdraw up to ¥50,000 every rolling month, with no withdrawal fees charged by us

ATM providers may still charge a fee for making an ATM withdrawal.

Polish up your portfolio

What’s your vibe, rock, pop, or house? We’re into heavy metal. Choose from gold and silver to trade the greatest hits of precious metals, with a fee of 0.5% (minimum fee JPY150) (compared to 1% (minimum fee JPY150) on our Standard plan).

You're our priority

On Premium, you can fast track the queue. That means we’ll get back to you within an average of 3 minutes, day or night. No matter what you need, our 24/7 in-app support team is on hand to help.

You thought that was it?

Nope, there’s even more Premium perks to make every penny worth it. Get all this for ¥980/month.

  • Customised Premium card

    Get an exclusive Premium card and customise it to make it uniquely yours.

  • Priority support

    Get in touch with our in-app support team 24/7.

  • International transfers

    Send money to 150+ countries.

  • ATM withdrawals

    Withdraw up to ¥50,000 each rolling month with no withdrawal fees charged by us.

    ATM provider may still charge a fee for making an ATM withdrawal.

  • Commodity exchange fees

    Exchange commodities at 0.5% (minimum fee JPY150). T&Cs apply.

And if that’s not enough...

Compare all the plans with ease, and choose the one that works for you.

Safety first

Advanced fraud protection, rigorous security features, and 24/7 in-app customer support — your safety is our priority.Read more
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises