Exchange rates at your fingertips

Want to convert Nepalese Rupees to Chilean Pesos?

Although we don't support exchanges from Nepalese Rupees to Chilean Pesos just yet, check out our currency converter to stay on top of NPR to CLP exchange rates. With 30+ supported currencies and counting, there's more on the way.

1 NPR = 7.28990 CLP

$ 0.464706.81 %
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Exchange rates may vary. Fees may apply.

Nepalese Rupees to Chilean Pesos: exchange rates today

10 NPR72 CLP
20 NPR145 CLP
50 NPR362 CLP
100 NPR725 CLP
250 NPR1,812 CLP
300 NPR2,175 CLP
500 NPR3,625 CLP
1,000 NPR7,251 CLP
2,000 NPR14,503 CLP
5,000 NPR36,258 CLP
10,000 NPR72,516 CLP
1 CLP0.13 NPR
10 CLP1.36 NPR
20 CLP2.72 NPR
50 CLP6.82 NPR
100 CLP13.64 NPR
250 CLP34.11 NPR
300 CLP40.93 NPR
500 CLP68.23 NPR
1,000 CLP136.46 NPR
2,000 CLP272.92 NPR
5,000 CLP682.32 NPR
10,000 CLP1,364.64 NPR

Although we update our data continuously, exchange rates are always changing due to market fluctuations. Consider the rates above estimates.

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Check live exchange rates and convert 30+ currencies in-app

We may not support exchanges from Nepalese Rupees to Chilean Pesos just yet, but why not explore everything you can do with 30+ supported currencies? Stay in the loop with live conversion rates and exchange on the spot, right in-app.Exchange in-app

How to exchange currencies with Revolut

  1. 1

    Start your exchange

    Go to Exchange in-app and tap the exchange calculator widget to select the currency you want to convert and the one you want to receive.
  2. 2

    Check out our rates

    Our currency converter will show you our current exchange rate and any fees that may apply.

  3. 3

    Exchange your money

    Confirm your order, then save, send, or spend in your new currency however you like.

Pay in 150+ currencies with your Revolut card

Spending abroad with your Revolut card is so easy, you'll think you're back home. Shop wherever Visa and Mastercard are accepted, and make ATM withdrawals in the local currency while you travel the world. Exchange fees and limits apply.

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How we keep your money safe

Easy transactions are nice, but knowing your money's safe is priceless. Join 50+ million global customers and count on our full-stack security systems to guard your account.Learn more
  • Fraud prevention team

    Our anti-fraud team consists of 2,500+ members dedicated to protecting your money. They saved Revolut customers more than $888 million in potentially fraudulent transactions during the previous calendar year alone.

  • 24/7 support

    Speak to our award-winning support team in 100+ languages via secure in-app chat. Yes, even on a Sunday.

  • Personal data protection

    You're in charge of your personal data. We always ask for your authorisation to use it, explain why we need it, and store it on secure systems with restricted access.

  • Custom-built security systems

    We keep your account safe with two-factor authentication and provide powerful in-app tools that give you full control over your money.

Other popular currency conversions in Chile

Convert Nepalese Rupees

Exchange to Nepalese Rupees

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Want more info?

NPR to CLP currency exchange FAQs

  • At the moment, we offer in-app exchanges between 30+ currencies. We're always aiming to add more, so keep checking back. You might be able to convert NPR to CLP sooner than you think. In the meantime, check out the currencies we support and see how easy it is to exchange in-app. You can also send money from your Revolut account in 40+ currencies supported for transfers, and pay with your Revolut card abroad in 150+ currencies supported for spending.
  • We may not support exchanges from Nepalese Rupees to Chilean Pesos just yet, but that doesn't mean we're going to leave you high and dry. You can still use our currency converter to stay on top of the latest NPR to CLP exchange rates. We keep our data up to date using various independent sources so that you always have the info you need. Go to our Help Centre to learn more about how we calculate exchange rates. Here's how you can check NPR to CLP conversion rates with our currency exchange calculator:
    1. Go to our currency converter at the top of the page.
    2. Select NPR as your starting currency and CLP as the currency you want to convert to.
    3. Enter your amount you'd like to convert in NPR or receive in CLP. We'll do the maths for you.
    4. Check the current exchange rate and see how much your Nepalese Rupees are worth in Chilean Pesos. Repeat as much as you want with different amounts or currency pairs.
    Try out our currency converter.
  • Here's how you can exchange and hold balances in different currencies.
    1. Download our app for iOS or Android, then sign up.
    2. Go to the Exchange section in-app.
    3. Select your holding currency and the currency you want to convert to.
    4. Enter the amount you want to exchange.
    5. Check our exchange rate and any fees that may apply in-app.
    6. Tap Confirm order and start spending in your new currency.
  • We use two-factor authentication to make sure you're the only one who can log in to your account, and we'll send you anti-fraud warnings in-app if we suspect that a transfer may be a scam. We also protect your personal data with our full-stack security systems. Additionally, we use other security methods that vary depending on the Revolut entity you're registered to. Here's how you can learn more.
    1. Open the Revolut app.
    2. Click on your profile icon on the home screen.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and see which Revolut entity shows up.
    4. Go to our Help Centre to read more on your Revolut entity and how we keep your money safe.