Premium $9.99/month

Your passport to premium perks

Discover flexible benefits that fit your life at home, and take you all over the globe.

What’s your shade?

Pick your exclusive Premium card, and personalise it to make it even more you. Everyday spending just got a little more stylish.Personalise your card
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?
What’s your shade?

Perfect partners, for whatever you’re into

We’ve got partners that can take your life to the next level — find Freeletics for fitness, snooze tips on Sleep Cycle, and find your own match with Tinder... all included with Premium. Partnerships are subject to regional availability. Check which partners are available to you in-app.

More room to do your thing

Get better discounts on international transfers, higher limits on currency exchange, and ATM withdrawals — wherever you are in the world.

Get 60% off international transfer fees, compared to a Standard plan

Upgrade to Premium

Exchange up to A$20,000 a month in 30+ currencies, with no additional exchange fees, Monday to Friday¹

Withdraw up to $700 every rolling month, with no ATM withdrawal fees charged by us

You call the stocks

From Apple to Tesla, choose from 2,000+ stocks, and own a slice of some of the most popular companies on the planet. Plus, get 5 commission-free stock trades per month (other fees may apply). All investing involves risk.Get Premium

You thought that was it?

Nope, there’s even more Premium perks to make every penny worth it. Get all this for $9.99/month.

  • Personalised Premium card

    Get an exclusive Premium card and personalise it to make it uniquely yours.

  • International transfers

    Save 60% on international transfer fees.

  • Revolut <18

    Link up to 2 accounts and a co-parent, for family members aged 6-17.

And if that’s not enough...

Compare all the plans with ease, and choose the one that works for you.

Safety first

Advanced fraud protection, rigorous security features, and custom card controls — your safety is our priority.Read more
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Trusted by 50+ million customers worldwide
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Secure transactions with two-factor authentication
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises
Data security with no compromises

¹Exchange fees apply on transactions made between Friday 5pm (New York time) and Sunday 6pm (New York time). Revolut Premium is a 12-month plan with an option of monthly and annual billing. You'll be able to cancel your plan anytime. However, you may be charged a fee depending on when you cancel your plan. You'll still be able to benefit from the services you get for your subscription until the end of your billing cycle. Read more under Fees for downgrading your Paid Plan subscription in our Paid Plan Terms.