Convert 50 PKR to EUR

50 Pakistani Rupees to Euros

Join 50+ million people worldwide using Revolut for all things money. We don't yet support EUR, but check out our exchange rates for 36 other currencies today!

Our current rate€1 = £0.8318
Additional fees€0.50
Get startedExchange rates are dynamic. Always remember to check the applicable rate in-app before carrying out your exchange

You can't exchange or transfer money in Pakistani Rupees with us just yet

We don't currently support exchanging or sending EUR. But we're always adding new currencies to our 36 and counting. Keep an eye out for updates and check out our app to manage all things money

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Revolut makes exchange easy

Convert money in 3 steps

  1. 1

    Start your exchange

    Go to Exchange in-app, and choose how much you want to convert
  2. 2

    Select your currencies

    Tap the calculator widget to select PKR and the currency you want to receive

  3. 3

    Check our rates

    We'll always show you the exchange rate and any fees in-app before you convert

Výmenné kurzy: Pakistani Rupees to Euros

1 PKR0.00 EUR
5 PKR0.01 EUR
10 PKR0.03 EUR
25 PKR0.08 EUR
50 PKR0.16 EUR
100 PKR0.33 EUR
500 PKR1.69 EUR
1,000 PKR3.39 EUR
5,000 PKR16.99 EUR
10,000 PKR33.99 EUR
50,000 PKR169.95 EUR
1 EUR291.48 PKR
5 EUR1,457.43 PKR
10 EUR2,914.87 PKR
25 EUR7,287.18 PKR
50 EUR14,574.37 PKR
100 EUR29,148.74 PKR
500 EUR145,743.73 PKR
1,000 EUR291,487.47 PKR
5,000 EUR1,457,437.35 PKR
10,000 EUR2,914,996.24 PKR
50,000 EUR14,577,909.61 PKR

Popular currency pairs in Slovakia

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Looking to send money abroad with low fees? We offer transparent rates so you know exactly what you'll get out of your next exchange.* Check out how much you could save on international money transfers with Revolut.Try Revolut now

*Foreign exchange is subject to fair-usage limits and weekend markups.

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The content of this page is for general information purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. If you have any questions about your personal circumstances, please seek professional and independent advice. Revolut is not a financial adviser. Any fees, charges, and exchange rates relating to your exchange or transfer will be visible in the Revolut app before sending your transfer at the moment of sending. Fees and exchange rates reflected in images are a visual representation of fees only for Standard plans, and may not be reflective of current rates at the time of sending or converting. Fees are subject to change, but are always displayed in your Revolut app. Check Personal Fees (Standard) for more information.