Convert 5 EUR to INR

5 Euros to Indian Rupees

Join 50+ million worldwide Revolut customers today, and transfer to Indian Rupees from Euros at great exchange rates.

Our current rate€1 = ₹88.2880
No fees€0.00
Get startedExchange rates are dynamic. Always remember to check the applicable rate in-app before carrying out your exchange

Save when you transfer Euros to Indian Rupees today

Send smarter with Revolut. Exchange money on-the-go, anytime, and check rates and fees before you convert. No surprises, just simple currency exchange.

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Revolut makes it easy

Convert money in 3 easy steps

  1. 1

    Select your currencies

    Use the currency converter calculator at the top of the page to select EUR and INR as the currencies you want to convert.

  2. 2

    Enter the amount

    Choose how much you want to convert or receive in that currency.

  3. 3

    Check the rates

    Our currency converter will show you the current EUR and INR exchange rate, and any fees you might be charged.

Výmenné kurzy: Euros to Indian Rupees

1 EUR88.28 INR
5 EUR441.44 INR
10 EUR882.88 INR
25 EUR2,207.22 INR
50 EUR4,414.39 INR
100 EUR8,828.79 INR
500 EUR44,143.99 INR
1,000 EUR88,411.84 INR
5,000 EUR442,059.24 INR
10,000 EUR884,155.30 INR
50,000 EUR4,421,663.64 INR
1 INR0.01 EUR
5 INR0.05 EUR
10 INR0.11 EUR
25 INR0.28 EUR
50 INR0.56 EUR
100 INR1.12 EUR
500 INR5.60 EUR
1,000 INR11.21 EUR
5,000 INR56.09 EUR
10,000 INR112.19 EUR
50,000 INR560.95 EUR

Join Revolut, and save on international transfers

Looking to send Euros to Indian Rupees?

  1. 1

    Select your destination

    Once you've signed up to Revolut, go to Transfers in-app and choose India as the country you're sending to.
  2. 2

    Choose your transfer

    Add how much you'd like to send, and pick your transfer method.

  3. 3

    Tell us who to send to

    Select an existing recipient or enter a new recipient's details. Tap Send, and you're all set.

How much does it cost to convert Euros to Indian Rupees?

When sending EUR to INR, we won't charge you currency exchange fees on weekdays (within your plan allowance). Weekend fees may apply. See your country's fees page for more details.
Get started

How long does it take to transfer EUR to INR online?

  • Transfers to other Revolut accounts arrive in minutes
  • Card transfers arrive in minutes
  • Bank transfers should arrive within 1 to 5 working days, depending on the destination country
We’ll keep you updated on the status of your transfer.
Explore money transfers

Send Euros to Indian Rupees with Revolut

Whether you're converting money into different currencies, transferring between countries, or spending like a local while abroad – Revolut has you covered. Get this and so much more, all in a few taps.

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