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Earn points on every purchase with one of our debit cards. Then redeem them for Airline Miles and more. T&Cs apply.Some cards available on paid plans only. Fees may apply.Choose your card

Grow with up to 4,41 % APY

Maximise your money by investing in money market funds in 3 currencies with up to 4,41 % APY, interest earned daily, and flexible withdrawals.¹Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is shown for the USD fund for Ultra customers, net of fees, as of 17/01/2025, but varies daily and depends on your plan. Growth is not guaranteed. Returns are affected by currency fluctuations. Capital at risk.Learn more
Grow with up to 4,41 % APY
Grow with up to 4,41 % APY
Grow with up to 4,41 % APY

Trade with 0% commission

Turn your salary into long-term wealth with 3,000+ stocks and ETFs — all in one single app. More money goes into every investment with no commission or custody fees², depending on your monthly allowance. Other fees may apply.Capital at risk.Try it out

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¹FOR FLEXIBLE CASH FUNDS: Capital at risk.

Flexible Cash Funds is an investment product through which you can invest in money market funds. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive less than your original investment or lose the value of your entire initial investment. Returns change daily and may move in an unfavourable direction. Past performance and forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely impact the overall returns on your original investment.

The APY is based on information provided by the fund manager. The APY shown is the highest APY offered only to Ultra customers, your APY may be lower depending on your plan and applicable fees.

In some cases, when making withdrawals (i.e. selling your shares in the available money market funds), your cash can take up to 2 business days to reach your Revolut personal account. Exceptionally, the sale of your shares could take longer or be charged exit fees in those situations described in the Prospectus like stressed market conditions. The recommended holding period for these funds is 6 months. The risk indicator of 1 out of 7 can vary if you sell your shares earlier.

Further information can be found in our Flexible Cash Funds FAQ and Invest FAQ. Detailed information about risks is available on our Risk Disclosure and about fees in our money market funds Ex-ante Costs & Charges Disclosure. Read the Key Information Document and the Prospectus which are available in the app. T&CS apply.

Investment services in the European Economic Area are provided by Revolut Securities Europe UAB. Information contained herein is not a personal recommendation, investment advice or offer to take any investment decision, therefore you must carefully consider your financial situation, review relevant documents and information or seek professional independent advice before entering into financial transactions or subscribing to new investment services.

Revolut Securities Europe UAB (company code: 305799582; registered address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania, LT-08130) is a Lithuanian investment firm authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania.

FOR INVESTING: Capital at risk.

²Custody fees are operational charges that some financial service providers pass on to investors for providing them the service of holding in custody their financial instruments. We don’t charge custody fees on our investment services.

³The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive less than your original investment or lose the value of your entire initial investment. Past performance and forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely impact the overall returns on your original investment. Further information can be found on our Risk Disclosure and Invest FAQ.

Investment services are provided by Revolut Securities Europe UAB. Information contained herein is not a personal recommendation, investment advice or offer to take any investment decision, therefore you must carefully consider your financial situation, review relevant documents and information or seek professional independent advice before entering into financial transactions or subscribing to new investment services.

Revolut Securities Europe UAB (company code: 305799582; registered address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-08130) is a Lithuanian investment firm authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Revolut’s cryptocurrency services are offered by Revolut Digital Assets Europe Ltd (RDAEL) (company code: HE430310; registered address: Pikioni, 10 Flat/Office 5, 3075, Limassol, Cyprus). Commodities services are provided by Revolut Ltd (company code: 08804411; registered address: 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 4HD).