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How to buy Litecoin in Australia

Everything you need to get confident with crypto is right here, from courses to live price data. Discover the best ways to buy Litecoin in the same app you use to manage your money, and invest starting from just $1.

Our current rate1 LTC = $196.80
Rate does not include fees. Check the Revolut app for live price details. Crypto is not regulated or protected and is volatile - value can go down.

Capital at risk. Cryptoassets are not regulated or protected by investor compensation schemes. Crypto is volatile — value can go down or up. Trading may be subject to tax. Fees payable.

Break into crypto with Revolut

How to buy Litecoin in 3 steps

You can buy Litecoin on Revolut's crypto platform. Create your free account and top up your balance to buy 175+ cryptocurrencies, including LTC. Revolut makes it quick and easy to get started.

  1. 1

    Get Revolut

    If you don’t have it already, download the Revolut app for free and sign up to start buying Litecoin and other crypto tokens.

  2. 2

    Top up your balance

    Add money to your Revolut account in 30+ currencies, or use any other crypto token balances you may already have.

  3. 3

    Choose your crypto tokens

    Go to Crypto and choose which tokens you want to buy, including Litecoin or any of the 175+ other crypto tokens available.

Fees from 0%, really

Buy Litecoin and hundreds of other tokens, with fees starting from 0% (depending on your plan).

Use 30+ currencies to buy Bitcoin

Don’t worry about exchanging your money for another currency to make a crypto trade. With Revolut, you can buy Litecoin (LTC) and 175+ other tokens in-app using the currencies you already have in your account.Buy Litecoin in-app

Best ways to get Litecoin with Revolut

  • Market order

    Use currencies you have in your Revolut account, like AUD or existing cryptoassets, to buy cryptocurrencies in just a few taps.

  • Auto-exchange

    Set up an auto-exchange to buy cryptocurrency in the future, if the price hits the target rate you set.

  • Recurring buy

    Create a recurring buy to purchase cryptocurrency at regularly scheduled intervals in the future, paying the existing rate each time.

Get all the details

What is Litecoin?

Before you buy, check out all the Litecoin stats right here.


Market cap$15.01B
Circulating supply75,437,120
Max supply84,000,000
24h trading volume$2.13B
Popular on Revolut#21

About Litecoin

Litecoin utilises similar protocols to Bitcoin but with a few differences such as distribution, algorithm and faster transaction speeds. Like Bitcoin, Litecoin also relies on proof-of-work for consensus and operates on a permissionless peer-to-peer network.
Official website

1 LTC = $196.80

$88.7182.07 %
Please wait, we are loading chart data
Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Data displayed above is indicative only. The return may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. Actual execution price may vary. Pricing data is provided by Revolut.
Breaking down the blockchain

Learn and earn crypto

Brand new to crypto, or want to brush up on your knowledge? Explore our Learn lessons and earn crypto when you complete selected courses.Check it out

Invest in Litecoin with Revolut

Explore crypto and so much more, right in your Revolut app. Check out our ratings and see for yourself what our customers are raving about.

Rating as of 19 Jan 2025

4.8 / 5

19K Reviews

4.7 / 5

3.2M Reviews

Why buy Litecoin with Revolut?

50+ million people trust us to look after $34.0 billion of their money — we've got experience at this. Relax knowing you can make crypto transactions seamlessly, with advanced security you can bank on.Get started
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
The majority of funds are held in cold storage
The majority of funds are held in cold storage
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
We’re available 24/7 via encrypted chat
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out
Your assets are held 1:1 and never lent out

Swap Litecoin for other assets

After you buy Litecoin, you can trade it for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrencies. Explore some popular trading pairs below.

What other tokens can I buy?

There are so many to explore. Check them out and take your pick.

Rumour has it there's...

So much more than crypto

Get in on the crypto action in the same app you use to manage your money, and see for yourself why 50+ million global customers stick with Revolut.

Trustpilot logoTrustpilot stars

4.3 / 5

Wondering how to buy LTC?

How to invest in Litecoin FAQs

  • Crypto can sometimes seem... well, cryptic. Revolut has launched courses to help get you started with the basics. Our short, simple lessons make crypto easier to understand, whether you’re a total newbie or a seasoned cryptonaut. Have a look! To get started with Learn, download the Revolut app and sign up for an account. Then open your app and head to Crypto → Discover → Learn.Try Revolut now.
  • You can buy Litecoin right in your Revolut app. If you don't have it yet, just download it from your app store, then head over to Crypto to get started.Try Revolut now.
  • Whenever you make a cryptocurrency exchange using Revolut, you'll pay the current rate plus a fee. Our fees are competitive, and you'll always see them in-app before you buy. The total amount depends on your Revolut plan. Learn more about crypto trading fees in our Help Centre.
  • We use some of the most secure methods to help you keep your crypto safe, such as multi-signature wallets and cold storage. Also, all tokens must pass our stringent checks before we list them. However, keep in mind that cryptocurrency trading is volatile. Capital is at risk. Learn more about crypto security and risks in our Help Centre.
  • With Revolut, you can buy cryptocurrencies in 3 ways:
    • Use currencies that you already have in your Revolut account, like AUD or existing crypto assets, to buy cryptocurrencies in just a few taps.
    • Set up an auto-exchange to buy cryptocurrency in the future, if the exchange rate hits the target rate you set.
    • Create a recurring buy and purchase cryptocurrency at regularly scheduled intervals in the future, at the existing exchange rate each time.

    Find out more about crypto order types in our Help Centre.

  • Yes, you can buy Litecoin with a debit card on Revolut. To do this, you first need to add money to your Revolut account using a debit card. Then you can use your Revolut balance to buy supported cryptocurrencies. You can also add money to your account in other ways, including bank transfers, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.
  • To start trading Litecoin, just follow these steps:
    1. Download Revolut for iOS or Android, then sign up.
    2. Go to Crypto on your home screen and tap Get started.
    3. Read and accept our risk warnings and T&Cs.
    4. Go to CryptoTrade.
    5. Choose Litecoin as your token, then tap Buy or Sell.
    6. Enter the amount you want to trade.
    7. Review and confirm your order.

    Check out our Help Centre for more info on how to buy and sell crypto.

Capital at risk.

The crypto services provided by Revolut Payments Australia are classified as high-risk. You should have regard to your personal financial circumstances and risk appetite before deciding to invest in crypto, and we recommend that you seek professional advice. The risk of loss in holding cryptocurrencies could be substantial and prices can rapidly increase and decrease (and may even fall to zero). Revolut Payments Australia does not make any representations to you regarding the advisability of transacting in cryptocurrency. We cannot guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of any data or information used in connection with your cryptocurrency holding. These crypto services are not regulated and Revolut Payments Australia is not providing them to you under our Australian Financial Services Licence.