Flexible Cash Funds

Where your money gets real returns

Invest your business' spare cash in funds earning returns at excellent rates, accrued daily. Access easily, on Grow, Scale, and Enterprise plans. Capital at risk. The value
of investments can go down as well as up. T&Cs apply.

Grow your money in 3 currencies

Invest and earn returns accrued every single day, with flexible withdrawals — and make sure your business' spare cash is always working. Even when you're not.

  • Up to


    APY¹ on GBP

  • Up to


    APY¹ on USD

  • Up to


    APY¹ on EUR

¹The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is presented net of fees for all displayed currencies as of 4/2/25 and is based on information provided by the fund manager, subject to change daily. This is the highest APY offered to Enterprise customers, your APY may be lower depending on your subscription plan and applicable fees. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely impact the overall returns on your original investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

What are Flexible Cash Funds?

Flexible Cash Funds are a way to grow your money by investing in money market funds. While all investments involve some uncertainty, these funds are low-risk. Banks and large corporations have used them for years to protect against inflation — and they typically pay higher returns than a savings account (in market conditions of high central bank interest rates).Visuals including APYs, invested amounts and returns paid, are shown for illustrative and informational purposes only.Start investing
What are Flexible Cash Funds?
What are Flexible Cash Funds?
Low risk investments...
...with a global asset manager

Easily access your money

Add and withdraw money from Flexible Cash Funds without fees or restrictions. Withdrawals land in your Business account within 2 business days.² And use permissions to set controls for who on your team can see and manage funds, too.

Get started

Invest with no limits

We don’t do minimum or maximum investment amounts. You’re free to open up to 100 Flexible Cash Funds for your business in any available currency — with no limit on how much you can invest.Sign up

Track every movement

Connect your Flexible Cash Funds to your accounting software and see your withdrawals, top-ups, and returns in one place. Your data automatically syncs, saving you hours of admin while keeping your transactions accurate.

Grow your money
BasicFrom kr 150/month
GrowFrom kr 400/month
Scalekr 1,100/month
EnterpriseCustomTalk to us to find out more
Flexible Cash Funds

Net returns on EUR


Net returns on GBP


Net returns on USD


Keep costs low and productivity high

Our all-in-one Business account has the tools you need to spend — and work — smarter.

Link and sync your business toolsLink and sync your business toolsBusiness API >
Automate expense managementAutomate expense managementExpenses >
Link and sync your business toolsLink and sync your business toolsBusiness API >
Speed up your online and in-person salesSpeed up your online and in-person salesAccept payments >
Speed up your online and in-person salesSpeed up your online and in-person salesAccept payments >

Start growing your money

Need a little more help?


  • Flexible Cash Funds are available for all businesses on Grow, Scale, and Enterprise plans. Flexible Cash Funds aren’t available for Basic plan customers at the moment. Also, for specific reasons — like your business having multiple tax residencies — we might restrict your access to Flexible Cash Funds. You can find out more information in our Flexible Cash Funds FAQ.

  • When you add or withdraw money through Flexible Cash Funds, you are buying or selling shares in a money market fund in the same currency — either EUR, USD, or GBP.

    Within each fund, there may be different share classes. The share class available to you is Class R Flex Distributing shares of the following short-term and actively-managed money market funds:

    • The USD Treasury Fund (ISIN IE000ZEZXAJ7)
    • The Euro Fund (ISIN IE000AZVL3K0)
    • The Sterling Fund (ISIN IE0002RUHW32)

    The USD Treasury Fund is a Constant Net Asset Value (CNAV) money market fund, which invests mostly in US Treasury obligations backed by the US Government.

    The Euro Fund and the Sterling Fund are Low Volatility Net Asset Value (LVNAV) money market funds, which invest in:

    • high-quality and liquid money market instruments such as government securities, bank obligations, and commercial paper
    • high-quality securitisations and asset-backed commercial paper, deposits with credit institutions, repurchase agreements, and reverse repurchase agreements
    • shares in other money market funds

    The money market funds you invest in through our Flexible Cash Funds are sub-funds of Fidelity Institutional Liquidity Fund plc, a UCITS open-ended umbrella fund authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland -CBI- (registration number: 235175).

    The fund manager is FIL Investment Management (Luxembourg) S.A., Ireland Branch, which is authorised by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier -CSSF- (registration number CCSF: S00000593; CBI: C137514).

    The fund manager has appointed an investment manager and delegated the fund’s portfolio's day-to-day management to FIL Investments International.

    For more information on the money market funds of our Flexible Cash Funds, please read the Fund's Prospectus and the respective Key Information Documents (KID) available on the fund's website and in the Revolut Business app.

    You can find out more in our Flexible Cash Funds FAQ.

  • Low Volatility Net Asset Value (LVNAV) money market funds are short-term money market funds. Money is primarily invested in money market instruments, deposits, and other short-term assets. Units in the fund are purchased or redeemed at a constant price so long as the value of the underlying assets doesn't deviate by more than 0.2% (20bps). This makes yield the main factor in the fund's value. Constant Net Asset Value (CNAV) money market funds are short-term money market funds. These funds must invest mostly in government assets. Units in the fund are purchased or redeemed at a constant price rounded to the nearest percentage point. Find out more in ourFlexible Cash Funds FAQ.
  • Yes — you can open up to 100 Flexible Cash Funds in any of the 3 available currencies, with no minimum or maximum investment amounts. Each currency (EUR, USD, and GBP) represents a different money market fund. Each fund performs differently, and fees will vary depending on your plan and region. Further information can be found in our Flexible Cash Funds FAQ.

  • There are no account opening and closing charges. However, we do charge a small service fee to cover our costs of service, which is automatically deducted from the daily returns you accrue. The Ex-ante Costs and Charges Disclosure can be found in the Savings & Funds section of your app under the section Regulatory documents.

    It’s your responsibility to find out whether you need to pay tax on the returns you earn on your Flexible Cash Funds. We won’t process your tax payments proactively and send them to relevant tax authorities. We’ll only withhold or levy taxes to you if we’re mandated to perform that obligation to comply with relevant laws in certain jurisdictions. You should seek independent financial advice if you have any questions. We don’t provide tax advice. Further information can be found in our Flexible Cash Funds FAQ.

  • APY stands for ‘Annual Percentage Yield’, and represents the return on investments net of fees, i.e. the return you'd earn on an amount of money invested in the money market fund (through Flexible Cash Funds) assuming a holding period of 12 months if the rate remained constant (which in practice varies daily). The APY varies by fund based on the performance as well as by plan and region depending on the fees. More information on APYs and fees per subscription plan are available inthe Ex-ante Costs & Charges Disclosure.

²When selling your shares in the money market funds available, the sale proceeds can take up to 2 business days to reach your Revolut Business account. Exceptionally, the sale of your shares could take longer or be charged exit fees in those situations described in the Prospectus like stressed market conditions. The recommended holding period for these funds is 6 months. The risk indicator of 1 out of 7 can vary if you sell your shares earlier.

Investment services are provided by Revolut Securities Europe UAB. Information contained herein is not a personal recommendation, investment advice or offer to take any investment decision, therefore you must carefully consider your financial situation, review relevant documents and information or seek professional independent advice before entering into financial transactions or subscribing to new investment services.
Revolut Securities Europe UAB (company code: 305799582; registered address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-08130) is a Lithuanian investment firm authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania and provides its services in other EEA countries under the Freedom of Services regime without branches or tied agents.