Send money to Austria

Join 45+ million worldwide customers saving on money transfers with Revolut. Send international transfers from Malta (EUR) to Austria (EUR) today!

€1,000Amount you'll convert
Send money
Usually arrives in seconds

How to send money with Revolut

Send money to Austria in 3 steps

  1. 1

    Start your transfer

    Choose how much you want to send in Euros, and pick Austria as your destination country.

  2. 2

    Check the rates

    Get competitive exchange rates, without hidden transfer fees.

  3. 3

    Send money

    Enter the recipient's details and hit Send. We'll do the rest.

How much does it cost to transfer money to Austria from Malta?

When you send money to Austria (EUR) from Malta (EUR), we won't charge you additional currency exchange fees on weekdays if the transfer is within your exchange allowance. We may apply a transfer fee depending on how much you send, and your plan's international transfer allowance. We'll show any fees in-app before you transfer.

Try a transfer

How long will my money transfer to Austria from Malta take?

Transfers to other Revolut customers and card transfers usually arrive in minutes, while bank transfers to Austria from Malta usually arrive within minutes. We’ll always keep you updated on the status of your transfer.

Transfer now

Breeze through transfers to Austria using the Revolut app

Send the smarter way with Revolut. Transfer money to Austria on the go, anytime. Easily check rates and fees before you send, and track your transfer directly in-app.

Rating as of 13 Nov 2024

4.9 / 5

30K Reviews

4.8 / 5

3.1M Reviews

Send money with no hidden transfer fees

What you see is what you pay when you send a transfer from Malta. Check out real-time exchange rates across 36 currencies, clearly displayed in-app.

Get started

How to make your first money transfer to Austria

Choose a transfer method that works for you

Best ways to send money to Austria with Revolut

  • Bank transfers

    Transfer money using a recipient's bank account details.

  • Card transfers

    Coming soon: send money in real-time to a card account

  • Send to wallet

    Coming soon: transfer money to a mobile wallet through their phone number

  • Revolut to Revolut

    Peer-to-peer payments for this route are currently unavailable

Security is embedded in all of our products

We use 2-factor authentication to make sure you – and only you – can access your Revolut account. 45+ million people worldwide use Revolut for all things money. Learn more about all the ways we protect you and your money.

Send money to Austria the simple way

Make transfers between countries, fast, or exchange and hold different currencies in-app. These are just some of the reasons our customers use us for all things money.

Trustpilot logoTrustpilot stars

4.2 / 5

Send money home to Austria

Transfer money online to family or friends in Austria.
Send money home to Austria
Settle international bills from Malta
Planning to move to Austria?

Need a little more help?

Transfer money to Austria FAQs

  • For most currencies, there are no limits to how much you can transfer. But, our payment partners may have set limits on certain currencies. You’ll always see these in-app before making the transfer.Learn more.
  • Yes, Revolut Bank UAB is a regulated bank established in Lithuania and your money is protected by Deposit Protection Scheme.Learn more.
  • The details we ask for depend on the transfer method you choose. We'll usually ask for a combination of the recipient's full name, phone number, bank account number, and their BIC/SWIFT number. We may sometimes ask you for additional details, like the recipient's city.Learn more.
  • The transfer delivery time depends on which method you use. Transfers to other Revolut customers are usually instant. Transfers to cards typically take a few minutes, but can take up to 30 minutes. International bank transfers to Austria usually arrive within minutes. Transfers to other countries can arrive in as little as minutes, or up to 3 to 5 business days, depending on the currency and destination. Learn more. If you're sending from a bank account external to Revolut, the delivery times may differ from the times stated above. All transfers are subject to review and on rare occasions it might take longer than stated days to complete.Learn more about all transfer methods.
  • You can send money online to Austria from Malta quickly and safely with us. Here's how:
    1. Download the Revolut app on your Android or iPhone and sign-up.
    2. Add money to your Revolut account by topping up via your card or bank account.
    3. Choose your destination country and currency.
    4. Enter your recipient's details. You'll usually need their full name, bank account number, and sort code. Some payment methods and destination countries may require additional information.
    Learn more.

Enjoy a cheaper way to transfer money to Austria