Life hurdles and wellbeing

At Revolut, we’re helping our customers improve their financial health. Our mission is to make financial services fair and accessible for all, so we're sharing a few resources you might find helpful.

Money worries

Sometimes circumstances change, and you might start to worry about your money. Major life changes, like having an unstable income, becoming a carer, experiencing a health crisis, or welcoming a new baby can significantly impact your finances. In moments like these, it can be tough to acknowledge and admit you need support, but we're here to help you.

Debt Health Test

Take the 60-second debt health test to check your financial health and get tips on how to improve your money management.

Take the test

Budget Planner

Our budget planner is a suite of tools designed to help you stay on top of your finances. Tell us how much you want to spend each month, and we'll work out a daily spending limit that you can track with smart analytics.

Start budgeting

Other resources:

Get help from money and debt advice charities, organisations, and support groups.

Fraud and scams

Fraudsters are always looking for new ways to get access to your account and your money. Here's a run-through of what to look out for to stay safe from fraud and scams — and how to act fast if you spot something suspicious.

Getting help:

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is a form of domestic abuse which involves controlling a person's ability to acquire and manage their own money. It’s a pattern of threatening and degrading behaviour that restricts a victim’s financial freedom. Some of the signs which might help you recognise financial abuse include:

  1. being prevented from working and/or getting an education

  2. being asked to account for every single thing you spend

  3. being stopped from accessing your financial account

Getting help:

Please reach out to the following financial and domestic abuse charities, organisations, and support groups for help.

Mental health issues

Job insecurity, debt, and financial worries can all cause emotional distress. Feeling low, anxious, or stressed is common when facing challenges in life. The Money and Mental Health institute, through their "OVERSTRETCHED, OVERDRAWN, UNDERSERVED: financial difficulty and mental health at work" report published in 2017, revealed that over two thirds (67%) of employees who are struggling financially report at least one sign of poor mental health, which could affect their ability to function at work. Some signs that you might be struggling with your mental health include:

  1. lack of sleep due to money worries

  2. anxiety when checking your bank statements or account balance

  3. unwillingness to contact a bank or financial service provider

  4. fear when opening bills or checking important letters

  5. feeling hopeless and unable to manage money

  6. overspending and feeling guilty after spending

Mood self-assessment test

Take the mood self-assessment quiz from the National Health Service (NHS) to help you understand your mental wellbeing.

Take the test

Other resources:

Get help from mental health charities, organisations, and support groups.


Gambling addiction

Gambling comes in a variety of forms — whether it’s playing the lottery, roulette, a gaming machine, using an online casino, or betting on your favourite sports team. Gambling might become a problem when you lose the ability to stop. When this happens, losses can start to affect many aspects of your life, including your career, finances, and relationships. Some signs indicating that gambling might be out of control include:

  1. spending more than you want on gambling

  2. struggling to find the money for basics

  3. taking out loans to cover gambling debts

GamCare test

Find out how safe your gambling is with a quick test by GamCare.Take the test
GamCare test
Gambling block

Other resources:

Get help from gambling charities, organisations, and support groups.

Drug addiction

Drug addiction doesn’t always look the same. It can include the misuse of prescription medications, illegal substances, or over-the-counter drugs. Once addiction takes over your life and you can’t stop, it can cause serious problems that affect every part of your life. Some signs to look out for are:

  1. spending money on drugs you can't afford

  2. struggling to cover everyday expenses due to drug-related costs

  3. borrowing money or getting into debt to fund drug use

Getting help:

Get help from drug addiction charities, organisations, and support groups.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, may present as frequent heavy drinking, binge drinking, or an inability to limit alcohol consumption. When alcohol use becomes uncontrollable, it can start to impact your relationships, health, and finances. Signs that alcohol use might be problematic include:

  1. spending excessive amounts on alcohol, leaving little for essential expenses

  2. facing financial strain due to alcohol-related purchases

  3. using credit or loans to finance drinking habits

Getting help:

Get help from alcohol addiction charities, organisations, and support groups.

Impairments and disabilities

At Revolut, we want to make our services accessible for everyone. If you need extra support, we offer phone assistance and our app is fully compatible with screen readers.

On iOS, we support VoiceOver, and on Android, we support Talkback, both providing text-to-speech and reading aid features. We’ve also improved accessibility on our platform by:

Including clear labels and instructions with our formsIncluding clear labels and instructions with our forms
Providing text descriptions for images and videosProviding text descriptions for images and videos
Ensuring you can navigate our site using just a keyboardEnsuring you can navigate our site using just a keyboard
Including clear labels and instructions with our formsIncluding clear labels and instructions with our forms
Making sure screen readers can access all our contentMaking sure screen readers can access all our content
Not relying on shape, size, or colour alone to convey informationNot relying on shape, size, or colour alone to convey information
Making sure screen readers can access all our contentMaking sure screen readers can access all our content

Power of Attorney

A number of situations may make it necessary for you to give someone else access to your account.
To make this possible, you, or the person you’re giving access to, must submit a Power of Attorney (POA).

Learn more about the Power of Attorney document


Taking care of practical matters, like finances, can be overwhelming when you’re experiencing grief over the loss of a loved one. We're here to support you at this difficult time.

Get guidance on the bereavement support we offer and learn what happens to a Revolut account if the account holder passes away.

Getting help:

Get help from bereavement support charities, organisations, and support groups.

Contact Us

Life is filled with ups and downs, and we're committed to being at your side every step of the way. Whether you're going through good times or bad, our Customer Support team is here to help.

If you'd like more information or need support, go to our contact page, reach out via our in-app chat service or email us at [email protected].

Contact us