
The most trusted place in crypto

We were voted as the most trusted crypto exchange in a 2024
YouGov survey¹ — ready to see why?

Fees from 0%

Everything you need for getting confident with crypto, is all in one place — from fast trades to easy transfers, all with fees from 0% (depending on your plan and trading volume).

Explore fees

210+ carefully vetted tokens

All tokens must pass our stringent checks before we list them. And you’ll find performance data, so you can always make an informed choice with your trades.

Values illustrative only.

Move your tokens wherever you want

Moving BTC, ETH, USDC, and 30+ other tokens between your wallet and Revolut is even easier done than said, fees apply. Plus, you can protect withdrawals with biometrics, as an added layer of security.

Explore crypto

Keep an eye on the crowd

See what other crypto customers are buying through our Most Traded and Top Mover widgets. Or explore our collections to invest in groups of assets all at once.

Values illustrative only.

Top MoversTop Movers
Most TradedMost Traded
Most TradedMost Traded

Set it, and forget it

Recurring buys can grow your portfolio consistently and it’s hands-free. By investing a set amount regularly, you can take advantage of dollar cost averaging — spreading investments over time can help minimise the impact of market volatility.

Earn up to
9% APY with staking

Earn APY paid daily or weekly, hands free, when you stake your SOL, ETH, DOT and other tokens you're holding.

Get started

Advanced trading: built for pros, by pros

Need more power, more analytics, and deeper liquidity? Trade on our dedicated exchange, Revolut X.

Values illustrative only.

Visit Revolut X

Buy straight into your wallet

Trade crypto directly from Revolut with our Ramp. Just a few clicks, and your crypto is on its way to your account, or an external wallet.

Buy with

Security you can bank on

Trusted with €20.9 billion in customer funds — our cutting-edge security features, and award-winning customer support, helped prevent more than €545 million worth of fraud in 2023 alone.

Learn more
We're here to help, 24/7 — wherever you areWe're here to help, 24/7 — wherever you are
Majority of crypto funds are held in cold storageMajority of crypto funds are held in cold storage
We're here to help, 24/7 — wherever you areWe're here to help, 24/7 — wherever you are
Your assets, your say — we never lend out your cryptoYour assets, your say — we never lend out your crypto
Your assets, your say — we never lend out your cryptoYour assets, your say — we never lend out your crypto

Crypto is volatile and not regulated or protected — value
can go down or up. Taxes may apply. Fees payable.

¹An external survey was conducted by YouGov in September 2024. It was conducted in UK, Spain, Romania and Poland asking people who had traded crypto or were interested in trading crypto which cryptocurrency exchanges they ranked in order of most trustworthiness. Revolut ranked as top overall from these results. Specifically in Poland and Romania Revolut was first, in Spain third and UK fourth. Respondents did not need to be a Revolut customer to answer.