Discover our new Take Profit and Stop Loss crypto orders

Kripto · 2024. október 22.Rosie Leheup-Ffoulkes

The crypto space moves fast. Blink, and some tokens have gone up, while others have become yesterday’s news. Take control of your trading with our new order types Take Profit, Stop Loss.

Whilst launching this new order type, we polished up our app screens, so it's even easier and faster to go from cash to crypto. So you can focus on your smart strategies, and we’ll make trading crypto seamless.

Take the stress out of trading

You'll now have the option to toggle on the Take Profit or Stop Loss feature with your existing portfolio or when you make a new purchase.

This means you can specify a price or percentage to automatically trade, so you can focus on what matters — keeping pennies in your pocket.

Strategies that suit you

Automate your purchases with recurring buys to leverage Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). DCA is a strategy where you invest a fixed amount regularly — this helps minimise the impact of market volatility by spreading your investments over time.

Ready to take control of your trading?

  • Log in to your Revolut app
  • Head to the Crypto tab
  • Hit Trade, and choose the token you'd like to buy or sell
  • Tap the icon on the left of the Review order button
  • You'll then be able to toggle on Take profit/Stop loss order
  • Once this is toggled on, you'll see the Set up button appear — tap that and you can choose your limits

Not regulated or protected. Value can go down. Tax may be payable on gains.

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