© 2025 Revolut Bank UAB
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Revolut Bank UAB is licensed and supervised by the European Central Bank and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania, the Dutch Central Bank and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets for conducting business in the Netherlands. Revolut Bank UAB is a bank established in the Republic of Lithuania, registered address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, 08130, the Republic of Lithuania, number of registration 304580906, FI code 70700. The bank has a branch in the Netherlands located at Barbara Strozzilaan 201, 1083 HN, Amsterdam, with a KVK registration number of 87231832 and an AFM number of 12048959.
Insurance distribution service is provided by Revolut Insurance Europe UAB which is authorised by the Bank of Lithuania as an insurance broker undertaking and further regulated by the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets for conducting business in the Netherlands. Registered address: Konstitucijos ave. 21B, Vilnius, 08130, the Republic of Lithuania, number of registration 305910164.
Revolut Ltd (No. 08804411) is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (Firm Reference 900562). Registered address: 7 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London, England, E14 4HD.
Insurance related-products for Revolut Ltd customers are provided by Revolut Travel Ltd which is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to undertake insurance mediation services (FCA No: 780586) and by Revolut Ltd, an Appointed Representative of Revolut Travel Ltd in relation to insurance distribution activities.