This version of terms will apply from 18 November 2024, except where indicated otherwise. If you would like to see the previous version of these terms, please click here.
1. Why this information is important
This document (the “Terms”) sets out the terms and conditions for the RevPoints loyalty programme (“RevPoints”). It also sets out other important things that you need to know.
These Terms, along with our Fees Page and any other terms and conditions that apply to our services, form a legal agreement between:
- you, the RevPoints user; and
- us, Revolut Bank, UAB.
You must follow these Terms whenever you use this service. However, other terms and conditions may also apply when you use RevPoints. Such terms and conditions may be governed by a different Revolut Group entity (for example, if you are using RevPoints in relation to a Stay, the Stays Terms will also apply and it is provided by a different Revolut Group entity).
2. What is RevPoints?
RevPoints is a loyalty programme where you can receive, hold and redeem points (also called RevPoints).
We will keep track of the points you earn and display your points balance to you in the app.
The RevPoints you earn are loyalty points. They are not a form of money or currency, and cannot be exchanged for money or currency. The RevPoints can only be used by redeeming them according to these Terms. They are not accepted by any third party.
RevPoints is not a payment service or a means of payment and is not regulated (even though the underlying financial services the loyalty program is offered in relation to may be regulated).
3. How can I receive and redeem RevPoints?
The RevPoints programme allows you to receive points in the following ways:
- completing an action that earns points;
- exchanging something else for points;
- transferring in points from another loyalty programme; or
- any other way we allow you to receive points.
(We call these these, “Points Receiving Activities”.)
Any points are valid for 3 years after they are received. After this time, they permanently expire and can no longer be redeemed. You can see when your points expire in the app.
The RevPoints programme also allows you to redeem points in the following ways:
- redeeming your points for a benefit;
- exchanging your points for something else;
- transferring out points to another loyalty program; or
- any other way we allow you to redeem points.
(Together, “Points Redeeming Activities”.)
When redeeming RevPoints, any Revpoints bought through SpareChange will be redeemed first.
The specific Points Receiving Activities and Points Redeeming Activities we offer are set out in the app. They may change at any time and can vary between RevPoints users (for example, based on your plan or location).
Where we change or remove a Points Receiving or Redeeming Activity, we will try to give you 14 days notice. However, we will not always be able to do so.
Each specific Points Receiving Activity and Points Redeeming Activity has its own terms and instructions, which are set out in the app. Make sure you follow these terms and instructions, otherwise you will not receive or redeem your points.
The number of points earned or spent on any specific Points Receiving Activity or Points Redeeming Activity varies by activity and may change. We will at any time, but will always be clearly shown to you in the app before you undertake the activity.
We guarantee to always offer at least one Points Receiving Activity and Points Redeeming Activity. However, we do not guarantee to offer an activity in each category of Points Receiving Activity and Points Redeeming Activity stated above, and may not do so at all times.
Points cannot be earned other than through a Points Receiving Activity and cannot be redeemed other than through a Points Redeeming Activity.
RevPoints SpareChange
One Points Receiving Activity we may offer to allow you to earn points by exchanging something else for points is RevPoints SpareChange. This is an optional feature where you can choose to round-up any card transaction to the nearest whole number and exchange the difference for points (for example, if your card transaction was EUR 5.60, it would be rounded-up to EUR 6.00, with the EUR 0.40 being exchanged for points (or currency equivalent)). The rate of exchange for RevPoints SpareChange is shown in the app.
Enabling RevPoints SpareChange may give you access to additional Points Receiving Activities and Points Redeeming Activities. This means that if we offer RevPoints SpareChange and you have chosen not to enable it, the Points Receiving Activities and Points Redeeming Activities available to you may be limited.
4. When am I eligible, or ineligible, for RevPoints?
RevPoints is only available to holders of a payment account with Revolut. If you close your payment account, your RevPoints balance will be forfeited.
You must activate RevPoints to use it. If you do not activate RevPoints, you will not be eligible to earn points or use the RevPoints features of the Revolut app.
You can close your RevPoints account at any time by contacting Support. If you do, your points balance will be forfeited. You can avoid this by redeeming your points before you close your RevPoints account.
Where a Points Receiving Activity requires you to make a purchase from your Revolut account, your purchase must be a genuine purchase of goods or services to be eligible for points. For example:
- Purchases which are cash or cash like transactions (for example, financial services, cash withdrawals, or payment transfers) are not purchases of goods or services and are not eligible.
- Purchase of goods and services which are returned, or cancelled are not genuine and are not eligible either.
Loss of access to RevPoints or loss of points
We may suspend your access to RevPoints or reverse any points which have been awarded to you if we believe you have:
- breached these Terms or any other terms that apply to your Revolut account;
- reversed or undone any action which earned you points; or
- acted fraudulently or abusively.
We will make this assessment in our sole discretion, acting reasonably. We will notify you of our decision as soon as possible.
Any forfeit of points when your RevPoints account is closed is permanent, regardless of whether your account is closed by you or by us. You cannot obtain a refund for points you have earned or purchased. You can avoid forfeiting your points by redeeming your points before your RevPoints account is closed.
5. Are there any fees?
There are no fees for enrolling in the programme, for Points Receiving Activities, or for holding points.
There may be fees for some Points Redeeming Activities. Where these fees apply, they will be clearly shown to you in the Points Redeeming Activities terms and instruction and in the app before you proceed, and on our Fees Page.
If we need to reverse any points which you have already spent, you will need to either purchase or exchange those points or return the benefit you received for those points.
For example, imagine you used 100 points to receive a discount of EUR 10 (or the currency equivalent) on a Stay, leaving you with a points balance of 0. If those 100 points were reversed, you would either need to complete a Points Receiving Activity for 100 points or return the benefit of the discount you received by paying an additional EUR 10 (or the currency equivalent) for the Stay. When you are taking the action which reverses the points (for example, cancelling a Stay on which you had earned points), we will warn you in the app before you take the action. Where we take the action to reverse the points (for example, identifying that a transaction on which you earned points was abusive), you authorise us to debit your payment account to return the benefit or to complete a purchase or exchange of the points (whichever is cheapest) on your behalf.
6. Right of withdrawal
You can end this agreement free of charge and for any reason within the first 14 days of opting-in by letting us know through the Revolut app or by emailing us at [email protected]. Your right to withdrawal expires immediately if you decide to redeem your points in any way.
If you withdraw from this contract, we will reverse all points that have been awarded to you. In exchange, we will:
- for all points you bought (e.g., using Sparechange): reimburse you of all payments we have received from you for these points. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, we will use the same currency and make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction; and
- for all points you acquired through other means (e.g., completing a Points Receiving Activity or exchanging something other than money) when applicable, credit your Revolut account of the value of all reversed points. This value will be the rate of exchange applicable when you inform us of your decision to withdraw.
7. Legal bits and pieces
Changing these Terms
If we make any changes to these Terms, we’ll give you at least 30 days’ notice if the change is disadvantageous to you, and you can close your RevPoints account if you disagree with the change. However, if the change is to your benefit, we can make those changes immediately.
Do you process personal data?
Revolut processes your personal data to provide RevPoints to you. Some of your personal data may also be shared with third parties (for example, if we allow you to transfer points in from or out to a third party loyalty program, like an Airline Miles partner, we will share your name and membership number with them. The Airline Miles partner will become controller of this data). For more information about how Revolut processes your personal data, please see our Customer Privacy Notice.
This section applies from 18 October 2024:
How can I complain?
If you’re not happy with the service you’ve received in relation to RevPoints, we’ll do our best to make things right where it’s within our control. If you have a complaint about RevPoints, please reach out to Support and let them know you want to make a complaint. We’ll look into your complaint and try to resolve things via email as soon as we can. However, as RevPoints is not a regulated service, your complaint cannot be treated as a regulated financial services complaint.
If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you can refer it to the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority within 1 (one) year of the date you sent us your complaint.
Their address is: Vilniaus str. 25, 01402, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania. You can find more information on their website.
You can also rely on the mandatory consumer protection rules of the EEA country where you live. You can file a complaint to the respective out-of-court dispute resolution authorities that handle consumers’ complaints in your country in relation to the financial services provided by us. The list of such authorities can be found here.
Examination of the complaint at State Consumer Rights Protection Authority is free of charge.
Click here for more information about our complaints handling procedure.
What law applies?
To the extent permitted by law, these Terms shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Lithuania. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall exclusively be submitted to and dealt with by the competent court in Lithuania (or in the courts of any EU Member State where you reside).