Promotion terms

Revolut x Blast Premier Spring Final 2024 Prize Draw

What is the Promotion about?

As part of the Revolut x Blast Premier Spring Final 2024 Prize Draw (the “Promotion”), Revolut is offering its prospective Personal customers residing in the United Kingdom, Finland, France, Germany (together the “Eligible Countries”) the opportunity to:

  • be entered into a prize draw (the “Prize Draw”) for a chance to win two full-passes to the Blast Spring Final 2024 which include a backstage tour and an exclusive meet and greet (the “Prize”).

To take part in this Promotion, you must meet the eligibility criteria and complete the required steps set out in these terms and conditions (the “Promotion Terms”) between 22 May 2024 (00:00 CET) and 30 May 2024 (23:59 CET). We call this the “Promotion Period”.

These Promotion Terms set out the rules that apply to this Promotion, and you must comply with these Promotion Terms and also the Personal terms that apply to your Revolut Personal account once you open it at all times when participating in the Promotion.

Who is eligible for this Promotion?

To be considered an “Eligible Participant” for this Promotion you must meet the following “Eligibility Criteria”:

  • live at a residential address in an Eligible Country;
  • be at least 18 years of age; and
  • not have or have previously held a Revolut Personal account with any Revolut group entity.

What do you need to do before you can enter the Prize Draw?

You must also complete the following “Required Steps” before the end of the Promotion Period:

  • click on the Promotion unique link – this will be provided on the Blast Premier social media channels & newsletter; and
  • successfully open a Revolut Personal account for the first time through the Promotion unique link.

You must use the Promotion unique link provided as part of this Promotion to sign up for a Revolut Personal account. If you sign up using the normal account opening process in our app, you will not be able to take part in this Promotion.

How do I enter the Prize Draw and how will Revolut select the Prize winners?

Within three business days after the end of the Promotion Period, we will include Revolut usernames of all Eligible Participants in the Prize Draw, and we will randomly select five Eligible Participants as winners. Each winner will win two tickets so there will be ten Prizes in total.

If you are the winner, we will notify you via email (to the email address registered to your Personal account). We will provide you with a 48 hour window from the time we initially reach out to you to confirm your availability. If you do not respond within this time, we will randomly select another Eligible Participant from the Prize Draw to be the winner. The 48 hour window will apply to the second drawn Eligible Participant, and so on, until we are able to confirm a winner.

If we contact you to tell you have won but within 48 hours of contacting you we realise that you do not meet the Eligibility Criteria or have not completed the Required Steps, we will be unable to award you with the Prize, and we will randomly select another Eligible Participant from the Prize Draw to be the winner.

Each Eligible Participant who is selected as a winner will have the same amount of time to accept the Prize.

The decisions as to the administration and operation of the Promotion, including the selection of the winner are final and binding.

How do I get the Prize if I am a winner?

Once winners communicate their acceptance, Revolut will contact each winner by e-mail to get confirmation and send the Prize. The Prize will be directly provided by Revolut via the email address itself.

Winners will be able to invite a plus one who must also be at least 18 years of age from the time the winners are announced.

In the event that you win, you and your plus one will not be in a position to negotiate, re-sell (or seek to re-sell or transfer) your Prize to anyone else or for any market value or cash alternative.

This Promotion will not cover any other costs. You and your plus one will be responsible for paying for any additional costs that arise as a result of your journey and participation in the Blast Premier Spring Final 2024 event.

Neither Revolut nor Blast are responsible for checking and/or applying for any tourist visas that you and/or your plus one may require for your trip, nor are we responsible for any applicable taxes that may arise.

How will you process my data?

If you choose to participate in this Promotion by completing the steps above, we’ll include you in a pool of entrants.

If you are the winner of this Promotion, you acknowledge that we will:

  • need details from you and your plus one (including some or all of the following - (name, email address); and
  • share your and your plus one's details with Blast in order to provide you with the Prize.

For more information about how we handle your personal data, please refer to our Customer Privacy Notice. Any data that may be passed on to Blast under this Promotion will be processed in accordance with Blast’s Privacy Policies.

Please ensure you are aware of Blast’s general terms and conditions and rules for participation (here). Revolut will not be responsible for any issues, queries or claims that you may have in relation to Blast and their event.

What other legal information should I know?

  1. We reserve the right to reverse any Prize/s awarded to you if we become aware that you have breached these Promotion Terms. We will consider the reversal of any Prizes to have been done with your consent and the payment to have been authorised by you.
  2. If we believe that you have engaged in any fraud or material abuse of the Promotion we may also in our sole discretion take any actions we see fit in the circumstances. For example, it would be a material abuse of the Promotion to orchestrate a campaign to profiteer from the Promotion in a way that does not result in genuine and unique new sign-ups to Revolut, and so in addition to reversing any Prize/s we may also close your Revolut Personal account.
  3. We may change, suspend, extend or end the Promotion earlier than the end of the Promotion Period if, in our reasonable opinion, the Promotion is being abused or may negatively affect Revolut’s goodwill or reputation, or due to unforeseen circumstances which may make it impossible for us to continue running the Promotion. We may suspend or end the Promotion on an individual or promotion-wide basis.
  4. If we need to change, suspend or end the Promotion before the end of the Promotion Period, we will try to give you notice through the app and/or email. Revolut will not be liable for any loss, whether directly or indirectly suffered where we are unable to continue running the Promotion as planned. Please contact Support if you believe you qualify for a particular benefit in relation to the Promotion that has not been awarded to you as a result of early suspension or termination.
  5. These terms are published in English and any translation is a courtesy and an unofficial translation only. Participants of the Promotion cannot derive any rights from the translated version. The English language version of these terms shall apply and prevail and be conclusive and binding. The English version shall be used in any legal proceedings. If, however, by law the local language should be used, the local language shall prevail.

This Promotion is organised and offered to you by the Revolut group entity that provides you with your Personal account. If you have a complaint about this Promotion, you can raise it directly with them. Please see below for their registered address and the relevant laws and courts that have jurisdiction to determine any dispute you may have in relation to this Promotion. You can also rely on the mandatory consumer protection rules of the country where you live.

Revolut group entity/branch

Registered address

The law that applies to these Promotion Terms

Which courts have jurisdiction

Revolut Ltd

7 Westferry Circus, London, E14 4HD

English law

The courts of England and Wales.

Revolut Bank UAB

Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130 Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania

Lithuanian law

The courts of Lithuania (or in the courts of any EU Member State where you reside).

Revolut Bank UAB acting via its branch in France

SIREN 917 420 077 and whose registered office is at 10 avenue Kléber, 75116 Paris, France

French law

The competent courts of France.

If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you can refer it free of charge to the Médiateur de l’Association française des Sociétés Financières (ASF) and any dispute can be referred to the competent court in France.

You can withdraw from this promotion free of charge and without having to indicate any reason within the first 14 days of participating by letting us know through the Revolut app or by emailing us at [email protected] (withdrawal form), provided that the promotion is not yet fully executed or has not ended.